The City of Prince George kicked-off the Official Community Plan (OCP) Review in fall 2023. The existing OCP was adopted in 2011 and a lot has changed since that time.

On February 3, 2025, public engagement results from phase four of the review project were presented and the first reading of the OCP bylaw was approved by Council. Highlights from the What We Heard Report: Phase 4 include:

  • To gather feedback on the draft OCP, the City hosted one public survey (152 responses), two pop-up sessions at the Pine Centre Mall (124 attendees), and received 79 written submissions.
  • The draft plan was downloaded from this webpage nearly 850 times.
  • The majority of respondents (63%) indicated they supported or strongly supported the new vision statement.
  • A large majority of respondents (86%) understood the new OCP, its contents, and how it informs decision-making in Prince George.
  • The majority of respondents agreed that the draft objectives aligned with the five big picture, long-term goals for Prince George.
  • Written submissions highlighted that more protection for greenspace is needed, growth should be carefully managed, and that transportation, agriculture and food systems, and Truth and Reconciliation should be prioritized.

Update following the February 24 Council meeting:

At the council meeting on February 24, the OCP took a step closer to being finalized following City Council’s approval of the second reading of the bylaw.

Council also approved a special council meeting on March 19 to hold a public hearing, providing the final opportunity for residents to share their feedback on the plan directly with council members. The public hearing will commence at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers on the 2nd floor of City Hall.

Part of the agenda items for that meeting included a marked up version on the draft OCP, showing in red all the changes made to date, this can be viewed here.

February 2025 draft bylaw

The bylaw is meant to be read in its entirety and no individual policy is intended to stand on its own. The OCP policies provide a comprehensive framework for moving Prince George towards its long-term vision.

The Land Use Plan (Schedule 12 in the draft OCP) is a powerful tool, as it shows where different land uses should be directed across the city. The Land Use Plan is meant to be read alongside the OCP policies in their entirety. Land use designations are generalized in OCPs, with more specific direction provided in Zoning Bylaws.

Read the 2025 draft bylaw

The final working copy of the plan was presented and the first reading was approved on February 3, 2025.

2025 draft bylaw maps

How do I get involved in the OCP Review?

Attend the public hearing

There will be a public hearing for the OCP on March 19 at 7:00 p.m. in council chambers.

If significant amendments are made to the OCP following the public hearing, an additional public hearing will be scheduled before proceeding to third reading and then final adoption.

Fill out a survey

UPDATE: The survey is now closed. Thank you to all who participated.

Does the draft plan accurately capture your wishes for the future? Help us refine and finalize the plan by sharing your thoughts.