Creating a communications and engagement strategy

The results of the 2023 communication and engagement survey were used to create a new strategy, which was presented to Council on February 26, 2024. The communication and engagement strategy report outlines key findings from resident feedback and related actions including:

  • Providing clear, consistent, and meaningful information on topics that matter.
  • Improving transparency by engaging our community sooner in the decision-making process.
  • Providing more opportunities to listen and provide meaningful input, as well as learning how the input was used in decision-making.
  • Continuing to deliver a digital-first approach to communications.

The mail survey received 223 responses, an additional 527 online surveys were received, and an internal staff survey received 116 responses. Thank you for your participation!

Project background

The City of Prince George launched a communications and engagement survey to inform a new strategy. The strategy aims to provide the information citizens are most interested in, delivered in a way they would most like to receive it, while ensuring the City continues to engage citizens on issues they are passionate about. Residents had the chance to tell the City how it can improve in the way it:

  • Communicates with citizens,
  • Provides opportunities for public input, and
  • Provides access to information and services.

The City engaged Discovery Research to conduct a mail-in survey to a random sample of 1100 residents. An online survey was also made available to ensure all citizens had an opportunity to participate.

This strategy follows the 2022 Council communications policy, which was established to ensure public information is provided in a timely, transparent, accurate, consistent, and appropriate manner. This policy also established the following guiding principles. The City will:

  1. Provide information that is timely, accurate, clear, accessible, and responsive.
  2. Consider the range of communication tools at our disposal and use those most appropriate to address the needs associated with each circumstance.
  3. Work collaboratively across the organization to ensure that information is thorough, factual, and timely.
  4. Respect the access to information and privacy rights of citizens and employees.
  5. Support opportunities for engagement to inform public policy.
  6. Strive to achieve a culture of two-way communication and communications excellence practices.