What we heard

On December 18, 2023 the Civic Core District Plan project report that summarized resident feedback was presented to Council. Council directed Administration to procure consultant services to prepare conceptual options and site design(s) for the Civic Core District Plan area that includes community consultation results and previously identified priorities including arts and culture and arena uses.

The top three infrastructure items/civic facilities that respondents indicated they want included within the CCDP area are:

  1. Shops and cafes with housing (51.84%)
  2. Performing arts centre (43.41%)
  3. Ice Arena (29.46%)

Creating a plan

Map of the civic core district, with dotted red border around City Hall, the Canfor Leisure Pool, the former location of the Four Seasons Pool, Kopar Memorial Arena, the Prince George Public Library Bob Harkins branch, Prince George Conference and Civic Centre, the Two Rivers Art Gallery, the Knights Inn, and Canada Games Plaza.

The civic core district is the heart of downtown. But what is our plan for the area? Should it be a vibrant cultural and entertainment area? An activity and service hub for families and seniors? How will civic facilities and city-owned properties factor into this plan?

The Civic Core District Plan (CCDP) will be a guide that defines the vision for the municipal properties in this area of downtown. It will have strategies for how to enhance the area while also meeting needs of those who live and work in the community. And it will have a timeline. This is a long-term phased plan.

Most importantly, the CCDP will be driven by input from our citizens and businesses as well as our arts, sports, and recreation organizations.


The project goals are to:

  • Strengthen the local economy.
  • Enhance the vibrancy of downtown.
  • Provide amenities to enhance the quality of life of Prince George citizens.

These goals align with Council’s strategic goals:

  • Grow the city.
  • Build a strong, resilient, and diverse economy.
  • Maximize the quality of life for all residents.
  • Ensure a safe, healthy, and clean community for all

Share your input


Public survey

The community visioning online survey is now closed. Thank you for taking the survey.

Community visioning

Community visioning session

Speak to City staff, ask questions, and share your vision for the future of the Civic Core.

  • Community visioning sessions are now complete. Thank you for participating!