Making Prince George more accessible

When cities make things like sidewalks, buildings, and transportation accessible, it makes everyday activities more manageable and enjoyable for everyone. It's not just for people with disabilities; it helps seniors, parents with kids, and anyone else who might need a little extra help.

Having programs, services, and environments that enable everyone to participate fully in society without barriers is a requirement of the Accessible British Columbia Act. To comply with the Act, the City is working to become more accessible by:

Residents can report accessibility problems by calling 311 or emailing

This includes reporting accessibility concerns relating to:

Your request will be sent directly to the relevant City division for review. Include as much detail as possible when reporting, such as specific addresses or landmarks. This information will help the City identify and consider areas for immediate action and future budget and work plans.

  • January to April 2023: City staff completed an environmental scan to serve as the foundation of the 2023-2026 Accessibility Work Plan. Staff met with all divisions and departments to create an inventory of already implemented, ongoing, and upcoming accessibility initiatives.
  • March 13, 2023: Council approved the recommendation of the Advisory Committee on Accessibility to update the committee's terms of reference. The update includes changing the name of the committee to the Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusion, and amending the purpose and mandate of the committee to reflect the requirements of the Accessible British Columbia Act.
  • September 1, 2023: The City of Prince George Cityworks Committee put into place the ability to create accessibility-related service requests and submit feedback on the AWP, in person, by email, or by phone.
  • December 4, 2023: Council approved the amended terms of reference for the Advisory Committee on Accessibility to align with the work the committee will be undertaking regarding their review of feedback received within the organization related to accessibility.
  • January 8, 2024: Council received for information the 2023-2026 Accessibility Work Plan, and on January 18th the plan was approved by the Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusion.
  • August 1, 2024: Thanks to resident feedback, work to improve accessibility continues. Additional curb drops have been installed in various locations throughout the community in 2024. In 2025, a chair lift will be installed at the Prince George Aquatic Centre.