Budget decision

After two days of deliberations, City Council voted on and passed a 6.78% tax levy in the 2024 municipal budget on January 23, 2024. A representative home in Prince George valued at $460,049 will see an increase of roughly $172.89 this year over the previous year’s bill (a 1% increase in taxes translates to approximately $25.50 for the representative household). Read the full story.

Budget consultation

Results of the 2024 budget survey and check-up surveys are now available. This information was presented to Council's Finance & Audit Committee on December 4, 2023 for their consideration during budget deliberations.

The cost of City services

During the December 4, 2023 meeting of the Standing Committee on Finance and Audit, Council was presented a draft plan outlining spending and major projects planned for the upcoming budget.

Understanding municipal taxes

Learn more about the budget with this series of informational graphics that help explain property taxes, maintaining our infrastructure, and the cost of City services.